Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Birds & the Bees

I got a bee in my bonnet this evening thinking about taking some classes on natural healing. It got me to thinking about the first time I realized that there was an alternative solution to medicines.

Cash, my son was in the third grade when he was told he may suffer from ADD. Of course my reaction was no way, he is just a child. However, tests were done and he was diagnosed with it. His doctor prescribed Ritalin.

I asked the doctor what was to be expected with the medicine. How was he going to be better? I got the answer that it will help him concentrate better in school. That was all that mattered, right?
We got the meds and started him on them as prescribed. It took his body some time to adjust. He was getting high marks from his teacher at school. She was saying it was working great…blah, blah, blah.
What a crock!

It was helping her because she was not having to explain herself to a 3rd grader anymore. He was a robot and would just do what was told. I noticed he would come home and for a couple of hours after school and just be a zombie. Then about bed time, he would have problems sleeping. But no fears, doc said give him melatonin. See, the doctor had the answer.


After talking with his dad, we decided to take him off the medicine. I did not like what it made my son. We then moved to another state and since it did not have provisions for ADD students, we decided to homeschool.

I knew Cash struggled. His handwriting showed drastic differences when he was medicated and when he was not. So I decided to check out alternatives. There was new homeopathic medicines coming out on commercials and I wanted to see if there were alternatives.

I walked into a small herbal shop. I asked the person at the desk about help with ADD. She then called down to her husband. Up from the basement he appeared. His hair was long and he wore roundish glasses. I asked him my question about a natural alternative and he proceeded to give me a long list of herbs. He even said he made a blend that was popular in his store. I sat and listened to him taking in all the information that I could understand. I was very impressed. He was very knowledgeable. It left an impression on me that even now, 15 years later, I cannot forget. And the most important thing was there were alternatives. And they were natural alternatives. No man-made synthetic crap.

I think we forget that less than a hundred years ago, our families and doctors were using natural alternatives to cure what “ails ya”. I believe that there has been a pivotal moment in time that turned us from using our natural “instincts”.

It used to be that parents would talk to their children about the birds and bees. Remember that? I mean heck, what wasn’t covered in their talk didn’t matter because God made us to know what to do naturally. I mean think about Adam & Eve. Do you think God gave them the talk? We forget that nature takes care of us. We have instincts, gut feelings, and common sense. It seems though that most do not rely on any of this today.

We have let television, magazines and internet raise our children. They know more about sex today because of all the access they have to find information. We don’t give our children the talk anymore. We let porn do that. 

I remember when the transition from parents to technology started. My sister had brought home a video she had rented for her youngest daughter. It was video about the body and sex. I must have watched it 10x laughing the whole time. I mean seriously, was this where our world was heading? It was the new way parents talked to their children. Let some humping cartoon characters do it. But we were all naïve and jumped on that wagon along with everyone else.

We do not let nature help us anymore. If a child has a disorder, instead of finding alternative ways to deal with it, we run to the doctor and have a prescription written. I am guilty of this. I am learning more and more to use my gut instinct, my common sense and most of all my intelligence to find better ways to dealing with “issues”. We have a generation of medicated children. What happens if they decide as adults not to medicate? How are these children going to do without having a mind altering drug to help them? Can they cope with what life throws their way? Heck as an unmedicated adult I have problems some days coping. Are we really using what God has given us? He doesn’t make mistakes so why would the plants he gave us to use be wrong?

I feel like I have been accomplishing so much more in my life lately. I know it is because of the changes that I have made. I eat and live more naturally. I am slowing progressing towards a totally clean living and eating. It is hard. I slip and have things I should not and my body lets me know immediately. I will say though that it has been a year since I have had a diet Pepsi and that is a feat!

Parents we need more nature in our lives and definitely in our children’s lives. Do you know that walking barefoot outdoors boosts your immunity? And then the sun…it nourishes your body with vitamin D while helping the plants grow so that they can be eaten and used. Getting dirty is also a great way to boost immunity.

Get a book on wild plants and teach your children which ones are good to eat. Show them how to pick them and make tinctures. What does the Bible say about fishing?? Well dang it, teach them!

One last thing. Did you know that there are herbs that are illegal to grow? And I know marijuana is one but I am also talking about Maca. It is a root plant that is illegal in this country! It is also illegal in most states to sell and consume raw milk. I look around and realize that we are being banned from our natural resources. Some states have laws that forbid anyone from gathering rainwater. Rainwater!!!

I see a future where everything is synthetic and everyone is fake. Nothing in the future will be real. Not our foods or meds. I don’t doubt that all diseases will be man-made at that point. It is a sad thought. We need to take back what is rightfully ours…nature. It was made for man not for prohibition. 

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