Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mind, Body, & Spirit

Have you ever thought about the term Mind, Body & Spirit and wondered why they all go together? What does my mind and body have to do with my spirit? How is my physical well-being any concern for God? What about my mind? What does God care as long as I love Him?

To understand God’s message, our minds and bodies must be strong. We must be free of toxins that bind us to our diseases, disorders, and illnesses.

I started thinking about our minds and bodies when I was doing research on stability balls. Not much to them. Just a big ole ball. However, they are beneficial for the body.

Just sitting on them instead of chairs, helps with balance and strengthening core muscles. It is great in helping with the pelvic floor for pregnant women and benefits greatly when they are in labor. Another thing is that just bouncing on an exercise ball for about five minutes a day boosts the immunity system. It activates the white blood cells and gets the lymphatic system in gear. This is a weird thing to even think about. How can this work?

To me, and this is my opinion, I believe it goes back to the days when God created Adam and Eve. Our bodies were made to react to things that we did in nature. They walked everywhere and mostly barefooted (unless in the desert). When we go out and walk around barefooted, our bodies get an immunity boost. So I believe, again my opinion that the bouncing is similar to the walking that we, as humans used to do.

You see, when you sit in a chair, your feet do not matter. They can be on the floor, off the floor, under your butt, just anywhere you can plop them. However, the ball is not like that. When you sit on the ball, your feet have to be in a certain position to maintain stability. When you plant your feet, you then engage muscles from your feet up to your head. Amazingly one ball can do that and then add the bouncing and are strengthening AND helping your lymphatic system.

So, after thinking about the ball and all that is in nature that heals us, I began thinking about "Mind, Body & Spirit" and what it means.

We have lost our touch with nature. Everything is on this earth for our consumption and use. These are plants and animals, water and even dirt. Adding toxins into our bodies require us to heal, such as with medicines, and we need to look at how we heal our bodies. Is this “healing” getting us stronger or weaker? Do we really need chemicals that are man-made to “help us”? Do we need surgeries, such as gastric bypasses to “heal” us? Do we think that the doctor’s prescription pad is the answer to our health issues?

I see many people struggle with weight such as I have. I also struggled with God. More like He struggled with me. I lost my purpose for Him and I could not find it. I went to doctor after doctor and was put on all kinds of medicines. I felt horrible, was depressed and my weight was out of control and still no God. I could not see Him with all the crap I was doing to my body. I was looking for answers in man. I wanted to lose weight and make the pain stop. I wanted to enjoy my family and play with my grandchildren. It just got worse. I tried to make God the center of my life but He still wasn't. I was drowning. I need my Savior and He was there but I was blinded like Paul in Damascus.

I realized that God was telling me I was killing myself so I took a couple of steps to start strengthening my mind and body. I decided to quit smoking stop consuming aspartame.

Slowly, the scales started falling from my eyes. I was starting to understand. As I conquered each addiction, I was getting stronger and stronger and I realized that God was there waiting on me. As these poisons poured from my body, I began to spiritually grow and get stronger. I have since understood that my mind and body were oppressed by man and his man-made poisons. This was not what God intended for us.

Stepping back to evaluate your mind and body is something we all should do even if you do not believe in my God. Are we relying on a chemical made by man to make us happy? How many medicines that doctors prescribe actually heal your medical problems? Don’t many medicines just cause more problems?

I just want to point out that yes, sometimes our bodies need things that are done by man. My son-in-law is a type 1 diabetic and needs insulin because his body does not produce it. Some surgeries are required like if you have a tumor, get it removed. I am talking about taking medicines where the issue can be healed with proper nutrition. Just because you don’t want to give up your daily colas or you ho-hos is not an excuse to continue to kill yourself.

So if you are struggling with health issues and think that God has abandoned you, then you need to listen. He is there you are just muffling him out with that crinkling chip bag. Get your mind and body healed and you will be able to clearly hear Him.

If you struggle and need help, ask for it. I am no expert (however, working on that) but I will find the answer for you. 

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