Thursday, March 17, 2016

It's What in the Cake that Matters

So I have not written in a while because I was in the states and totally busy. But I am back in Germany awaiting our last few months here…ready to go. I am currently looking for a job in the states so I can start becoming a productive person in society. That seems to be a norm these days. I also want to be able to afford good foods for my family. Good nutrition starts at home and stems from there. So we need to think about our children and grandchildren. If you are a Christian you know how important it is to raise them as Christians. We need to physically and mentally raise them up properly as well as spiritually.

I know you have seen I have been posting vaccine related materials on my Facebook page. I had realized that I was skipping over the first years of our children’s lives. Birth to teenage years when a child is growing and learning, is very important to keep toxins down and away from their developing brains and bodies. I have been researching, thanks to my daughter, and learning more about vaccinations.

You may not think it is such a bad thing to vaccinate and it is needed to keep diseases away. All I can tell you is to do is to research it. My children had many vaccinations but many more are added today. The chart to the left shows the increase in what goes in our children’s bodies. Keep in mind that each one contains many toxins and the CDC (yes the government webpage) has the ingredients. They are not hiding what they use and it is free to read.

Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago, what is different than we were kids? A LOT! Foods have been overrun with GMOs and pesticides. Our food 30 -40 years ago was not this crap they sell today. We should demand better produce but the farmers get sat on by Monsanto for not using their seeds. Another story, another day.

Did you just see that the Dark Act was rejected?? That is a victory. For those of you who have not heard of the Dark Act it is where companies do not have to label their products truthfully. The people want to see if their products contain GMOs. If the dark act would have went through, the companies would not have to let us the consumers know anything about the product. Crazy huh? We have the buying power and they have all the power….

I did not come here to preach that vaccines are bad…all I ask is that you, the consumer, read what is going into your products and into your bodies. You have every right and with the rejection of the Dark Act, we can research on.

I hear people always wanting to take away others’ peoples’ rights. You see them post memes on FB showing how they do not want to go to places where non-vaccinated children are or they do not like it when other employees get smoke breaks and on and on. Here is the thing people, we have rights. We have the right to say no to anything we do not want. We have the right to smoke, eat ice cream, and drink beer. We also have the right to say yes to these things. Once you take away someone’s right to say NO, you also take away your rights to say YES and that is important.

You as a consumer, parent, and grandparent, whatever your title may be, have the right to research. You can read about anything on the internet. It is a library at our fingertips. There are many books, blogs, and personal stories out there that can keep you busy for weeks. We need to come together and tell others that we are educated and we will not stand for others to take our rights away. We will not stand for companies and big pharma to continue to poison us and keep us on big pharma’s list the rest of our lives.

There is a quote that I absolutely love. It is about the Nazi’s coming in and taking the Jews. It was written by a German man, Martin Niemoller a Protestant pastor. He spent seven years in concentration camps. We could learn so much from this quote:

 First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

It is very moving because I feel like that today…that this could happen at any moment and we could have no rights to our lives or our children.

I saw a video early that I saw a while back. It was the actor Rob Schneider and he was protesting the bill in California for mandated vaccinations. He brings up great points about rights for our children and our lives and the research that was never done on vaccines.

We need to start with our children. We need to make sure what we are putting in their bodies is nutritious, not toxic, and will help them grow to be smart, productive citizens of tomorrow. Let’s read ingredients while we still can because tomorrow we may not have the right.

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