Friday, May 13, 2016

Weight a Minute…

For the past 4 ½ weeks I have upped my game and added in exercise daily for my health. I do at least an hour of dance on Dance Central 3 each day. I also try to hit my daily goal of 10k steps on Fitbit. You would think a drop of 40 lbs. with just clean eating that at least 20 lbs. should just melt away with added cardio…wrong.

I wish I could say that I enjoy it and have been doing so great and just dropping weight here and there however, I cannot.

The truth is, this has been an eye-opener.

When I began my clean eating I realized right away I have a sensitivity to gluten. I then found out, even in gluten free products, I am intolerant to wheat. I avoid wheat like the plague now. I have tried organic and sometimes it really jacks me up. I also have avoided refined sugars from the beginning. These two things have been on the list for over six months now. Avoiding these have really made me change my eating habits. Processed foods are a no-go so everything we eat is made from healthy, organic (when possible), scratch.

So my list so far has been:
Refined sugars
Refined flours
Processed foods
Artificial sugars

Pretty easy list to follow. I use a lot of bean flours, tapioca flour, coconut flour, raw honey, maple syrup, and stevia. I do not really miss breads and I make healthy, delicious tortillas.

I assumed, when I began exercising, the foods I ate would be beneficial. I added more fresh, organic fruits and vegetables to get the healing nutrients. This has kept my body from being sore from exercise. I drink smoothies and they are so yummy. With the healing powers of fruits, my “fibromyalgia” has not been a problem.

However, I want to go back a few months to January and February. I was in the states with my children when I began to notice a rash on the inside of my forearms. By the time I got back to Germany, it was coming up on my feet in crazy circle patterns. I went to see my doctor and he said allergy for my arms and possibly Schaumberg’s disease for my feet.

Schaumberg’s, the great physicians believe, is a type of autoimmune disease. I have done some research on it and realized it can be triggered by an allergen. So I did some thinking as to what I might have discovered in America that was causing me problems.

Oh, I discovered Pirate Booty! This is like cheezy poofs for the healthy folks. I also started eating popcorn. I came home and found both of them at the store and carried on eating them.

I realized that the rash, which at this point is behind both knees, on feet and ankles, inside forearms, and around my elbows, was probably from the corn I had been consuming for the past few months. Some grains and oats can be sensitive to a person’s digestive tract just like gluten. So out went the corn. But I was dancing daily and still not losing weight. I was actually gaining water weight. Oh the frustration. So back to the drawing board on why this was happening.

After dancing, I get extremely hungry and I love oatmeal. So I started eating it daily. I noticed after a week or so that I was fatigued and my muscles were tired. I was struggling to do my workouts. I quit corn because of the rash and weight gain but now I was having water weight gain with muscle fatigue. I was just about ready to give it all up.

In the midst of all this I watched a documentary called “Unsupersize Me”. It was about a woman losing 200 lbs. Her coach was a wellness instructor who tested all sorts of weight loss plans. He decided that a raw diet with at least an hour of exercise a day would shed the body of excess weight the fastest. Watching this documentary made me decide to try a raw diet for a few days. In 3 days, I lost 2 lbs. What the heck was going on with my body that my clean eating was not working?!?

In doing a test run on the raw diet, I had eliminated oatmeal and dairy. I felt awesome. My muscles were not tired and I was, ahem, pooing better. So I quit oatmeal. But I carried on my love affair with cheese. I figured it was not much since I do not drink milk.

So my muscles were not fatigued after quitting the oats. Such a relief. I was getting my dance on but guess what…still had weight gain. It would take me a week to lose a pound only to wake up and realize that I gained 3-5 lbs. of water overnight. I was already at the end of week 3 of my 6 week dance. I am over half way done and lost a total of 4 lbs. only to gain about 12 lbs. in water (off and on).

So I had to eliminate one more item from my eating lifestyle…dairy.

Now I know you are thinking, “What the heck do you eat?” but believe me, I eat plenty. I eat fruits all day long and eat a big, healthy meal at night. Just last night we had fajitas and they were so delicious. I ate so much that I was afraid to get on the scales this morning. But I did. I said a little prayer and got on them and I had no water weight gain. I was so thankful.

Organic fruits are very crucial for your body. The recommended allowance a day is two servings which is a crock of crap. Do not listen to the FDA and their guidelines. Keep away from all those crappy carbohydrates such as breads. Your body needs all the nutrients from fruits to heal and to energize the cells. It is fuel for your cells. Eat it all day long, every day. It is so good for you. God gave us fruits and vegetables to heal our body and to keep it functioning.

If you take away anything from all this rambling, take this…our bodies are complex machines. When we put things in them that are not from God or are screwed up by man, then our bodies will not run right. We need the carbohydrates from fruits not from a big mac. We do not put anything but gasoline in our cars because it will just break them down. That logic needs to be applied to our bodies as well. We need nourishment in our bodies for them to be maintained and healthy.

Fat is not normal and is not healthy. Our hearts were not made for excess weight. Heart disease and diabetes are two diseases that can be avoided if we take care of ourselves. Be disciplined and not gluttonous.

Proverbs 23:21 (ASV) For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty; And drowsiness will clothe a man with rags.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


I like to watch documentaries especially ones where one person goes through a life transformation. We all have not gone through them. Some of us think we have and others know we have.

I believe that everyone feels immortal in their life until they are awakened (usually abruptly). Some go through that transformation and make it to the other side and some never make it through. Either way you are not the same person.

When you go through a change, you need God to help bring you through it or you can get lost along the way. Getting lost can lead to depression, drinking, overeating and drug use. It may start off small but your addictions grow. You are not the same person you were before the incident.

There are a few things in life that can make you transform. These things are a death of a loved one, a sick child or loved one, or your own illness. When you are faced with this, you begin to see that you are a mortal and you will die…one day.

Understanding that death is inevitable, some people will began to make changes to help them with their health. This transformation begins and takes a lot of strength in which we need help. If you are a person who believes in God, this is the time one grows closer to Him.

Take me for example. I was sick and hurting. Was told I needed medicine for the rest of my life if I did not want to live in pain. I refused. This triggered me to go through a transformation I had never gone through because I was stuck. I drew my strength from the Lord and as I grew stronger from Him, I grew stronger in Him.

I think for many years I was the person who was lost in the transformation. I lost my nephew who was very dear to me. This started my downward struggle. I could not cope with his loss. He was like my own child. I did things that were typical of a person struggling with change, fear of death, and fear of God. This lasted for years. Then I lost my parents.

After their deaths, I was struggling worse and my health was starting to show it. I was sick and getting tired of the same ole routine with the doctors. I decided I needed God. I needed strength, wisdom and guidance.

He came when I asked Him to help me and has been by my side since. I draw all my strength from Him. He motivates me. He uses me to help others. He gives me a reason to get up every day and smile. I pray about every little thing because I need Him.

I look around at my friends and family on Facebook and I can tell the ones that have been transformed and healed through Jesus. I can see the ones who think they have been transformed but only put a band aid on their wounds. I can also see the ones that need to find their way through their transformation.

We all need guidance and I find my way in Jesus. If you feel like you need help with getting to know Him better, then step back from your addictions and reach out to Him. He will help you and get you through whatever you are going through. Just know that being strong in mind and body will help you with being strong in spirit. 

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Mind, Body, & Spirit

Have you ever thought about the term Mind, Body & Spirit and wondered why they all go together? What does my mind and body have to do with my spirit? How is my physical well-being any concern for God? What about my mind? What does God care as long as I love Him?

To understand God’s message, our minds and bodies must be strong. We must be free of toxins that bind us to our diseases, disorders, and illnesses.

I started thinking about our minds and bodies when I was doing research on stability balls. Not much to them. Just a big ole ball. However, they are beneficial for the body.

Just sitting on them instead of chairs, helps with balance and strengthening core muscles. It is great in helping with the pelvic floor for pregnant women and benefits greatly when they are in labor. Another thing is that just bouncing on an exercise ball for about five minutes a day boosts the immunity system. It activates the white blood cells and gets the lymphatic system in gear. This is a weird thing to even think about. How can this work?

To me, and this is my opinion, I believe it goes back to the days when God created Adam and Eve. Our bodies were made to react to things that we did in nature. They walked everywhere and mostly barefooted (unless in the desert). When we go out and walk around barefooted, our bodies get an immunity boost. So I believe, again my opinion that the bouncing is similar to the walking that we, as humans used to do.

You see, when you sit in a chair, your feet do not matter. They can be on the floor, off the floor, under your butt, just anywhere you can plop them. However, the ball is not like that. When you sit on the ball, your feet have to be in a certain position to maintain stability. When you plant your feet, you then engage muscles from your feet up to your head. Amazingly one ball can do that and then add the bouncing and are strengthening AND helping your lymphatic system.

So, after thinking about the ball and all that is in nature that heals us, I began thinking about "Mind, Body & Spirit" and what it means.

We have lost our touch with nature. Everything is on this earth for our consumption and use. These are plants and animals, water and even dirt. Adding toxins into our bodies require us to heal, such as with medicines, and we need to look at how we heal our bodies. Is this “healing” getting us stronger or weaker? Do we really need chemicals that are man-made to “help us”? Do we need surgeries, such as gastric bypasses to “heal” us? Do we think that the doctor’s prescription pad is the answer to our health issues?

I see many people struggle with weight such as I have. I also struggled with God. More like He struggled with me. I lost my purpose for Him and I could not find it. I went to doctor after doctor and was put on all kinds of medicines. I felt horrible, was depressed and my weight was out of control and still no God. I could not see Him with all the crap I was doing to my body. I was looking for answers in man. I wanted to lose weight and make the pain stop. I wanted to enjoy my family and play with my grandchildren. It just got worse. I tried to make God the center of my life but He still wasn't. I was drowning. I need my Savior and He was there but I was blinded like Paul in Damascus.

I realized that God was telling me I was killing myself so I took a couple of steps to start strengthening my mind and body. I decided to quit smoking stop consuming aspartame.

Slowly, the scales started falling from my eyes. I was starting to understand. As I conquered each addiction, I was getting stronger and stronger and I realized that God was there waiting on me. As these poisons poured from my body, I began to spiritually grow and get stronger. I have since understood that my mind and body were oppressed by man and his man-made poisons. This was not what God intended for us.

Stepping back to evaluate your mind and body is something we all should do even if you do not believe in my God. Are we relying on a chemical made by man to make us happy? How many medicines that doctors prescribe actually heal your medical problems? Don’t many medicines just cause more problems?

I just want to point out that yes, sometimes our bodies need things that are done by man. My son-in-law is a type 1 diabetic and needs insulin because his body does not produce it. Some surgeries are required like if you have a tumor, get it removed. I am talking about taking medicines where the issue can be healed with proper nutrition. Just because you don’t want to give up your daily colas or you ho-hos is not an excuse to continue to kill yourself.

So if you are struggling with health issues and think that God has abandoned you, then you need to listen. He is there you are just muffling him out with that crinkling chip bag. Get your mind and body healed and you will be able to clearly hear Him.

If you struggle and need help, ask for it. I am no expert (however, working on that) but I will find the answer for you. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Birds & the Bees

I got a bee in my bonnet this evening thinking about taking some classes on natural healing. It got me to thinking about the first time I realized that there was an alternative solution to medicines.

Cash, my son was in the third grade when he was told he may suffer from ADD. Of course my reaction was no way, he is just a child. However, tests were done and he was diagnosed with it. His doctor prescribed Ritalin.

I asked the doctor what was to be expected with the medicine. How was he going to be better? I got the answer that it will help him concentrate better in school. That was all that mattered, right?
We got the meds and started him on them as prescribed. It took his body some time to adjust. He was getting high marks from his teacher at school. She was saying it was working great…blah, blah, blah.
What a crock!

It was helping her because she was not having to explain herself to a 3rd grader anymore. He was a robot and would just do what was told. I noticed he would come home and for a couple of hours after school and just be a zombie. Then about bed time, he would have problems sleeping. But no fears, doc said give him melatonin. See, the doctor had the answer.


After talking with his dad, we decided to take him off the medicine. I did not like what it made my son. We then moved to another state and since it did not have provisions for ADD students, we decided to homeschool.

I knew Cash struggled. His handwriting showed drastic differences when he was medicated and when he was not. So I decided to check out alternatives. There was new homeopathic medicines coming out on commercials and I wanted to see if there were alternatives.

I walked into a small herbal shop. I asked the person at the desk about help with ADD. She then called down to her husband. Up from the basement he appeared. His hair was long and he wore roundish glasses. I asked him my question about a natural alternative and he proceeded to give me a long list of herbs. He even said he made a blend that was popular in his store. I sat and listened to him taking in all the information that I could understand. I was very impressed. He was very knowledgeable. It left an impression on me that even now, 15 years later, I cannot forget. And the most important thing was there were alternatives. And they were natural alternatives. No man-made synthetic crap.

I think we forget that less than a hundred years ago, our families and doctors were using natural alternatives to cure what “ails ya”. I believe that there has been a pivotal moment in time that turned us from using our natural “instincts”.

It used to be that parents would talk to their children about the birds and bees. Remember that? I mean heck, what wasn’t covered in their talk didn’t matter because God made us to know what to do naturally. I mean think about Adam & Eve. Do you think God gave them the talk? We forget that nature takes care of us. We have instincts, gut feelings, and common sense. It seems though that most do not rely on any of this today.

We have let television, magazines and internet raise our children. They know more about sex today because of all the access they have to find information. We don’t give our children the talk anymore. We let porn do that. 

I remember when the transition from parents to technology started. My sister had brought home a video she had rented for her youngest daughter. It was video about the body and sex. I must have watched it 10x laughing the whole time. I mean seriously, was this where our world was heading? It was the new way parents talked to their children. Let some humping cartoon characters do it. But we were all naïve and jumped on that wagon along with everyone else.

We do not let nature help us anymore. If a child has a disorder, instead of finding alternative ways to deal with it, we run to the doctor and have a prescription written. I am guilty of this. I am learning more and more to use my gut instinct, my common sense and most of all my intelligence to find better ways to dealing with “issues”. We have a generation of medicated children. What happens if they decide as adults not to medicate? How are these children going to do without having a mind altering drug to help them? Can they cope with what life throws their way? Heck as an unmedicated adult I have problems some days coping. Are we really using what God has given us? He doesn’t make mistakes so why would the plants he gave us to use be wrong?

I feel like I have been accomplishing so much more in my life lately. I know it is because of the changes that I have made. I eat and live more naturally. I am slowing progressing towards a totally clean living and eating. It is hard. I slip and have things I should not and my body lets me know immediately. I will say though that it has been a year since I have had a diet Pepsi and that is a feat!

Parents we need more nature in our lives and definitely in our children’s lives. Do you know that walking barefoot outdoors boosts your immunity? And then the sun…it nourishes your body with vitamin D while helping the plants grow so that they can be eaten and used. Getting dirty is also a great way to boost immunity.

Get a book on wild plants and teach your children which ones are good to eat. Show them how to pick them and make tinctures. What does the Bible say about fishing?? Well dang it, teach them!

One last thing. Did you know that there are herbs that are illegal to grow? And I know marijuana is one but I am also talking about Maca. It is a root plant that is illegal in this country! It is also illegal in most states to sell and consume raw milk. I look around and realize that we are being banned from our natural resources. Some states have laws that forbid anyone from gathering rainwater. Rainwater!!!

I see a future where everything is synthetic and everyone is fake. Nothing in the future will be real. Not our foods or meds. I don’t doubt that all diseases will be man-made at that point. It is a sad thought. We need to take back what is rightfully ours…nature. It was made for man not for prohibition. 

Thursday, March 17, 2016

It's What in the Cake that Matters

So I have not written in a while because I was in the states and totally busy. But I am back in Germany awaiting our last few months here…ready to go. I am currently looking for a job in the states so I can start becoming a productive person in society. That seems to be a norm these days. I also want to be able to afford good foods for my family. Good nutrition starts at home and stems from there. So we need to think about our children and grandchildren. If you are a Christian you know how important it is to raise them as Christians. We need to physically and mentally raise them up properly as well as spiritually.

I know you have seen I have been posting vaccine related materials on my Facebook page. I had realized that I was skipping over the first years of our children’s lives. Birth to teenage years when a child is growing and learning, is very important to keep toxins down and away from their developing brains and bodies. I have been researching, thanks to my daughter, and learning more about vaccinations.

You may not think it is such a bad thing to vaccinate and it is needed to keep diseases away. All I can tell you is to do is to research it. My children had many vaccinations but many more are added today. The chart to the left shows the increase in what goes in our children’s bodies. Keep in mind that each one contains many toxins and the CDC (yes the government webpage) has the ingredients. They are not hiding what they use and it is free to read.

Someone asked me a couple of weeks ago, what is different than we were kids? A LOT! Foods have been overrun with GMOs and pesticides. Our food 30 -40 years ago was not this crap they sell today. We should demand better produce but the farmers get sat on by Monsanto for not using their seeds. Another story, another day.

Did you just see that the Dark Act was rejected?? That is a victory. For those of you who have not heard of the Dark Act it is where companies do not have to label their products truthfully. The people want to see if their products contain GMOs. If the dark act would have went through, the companies would not have to let us the consumers know anything about the product. Crazy huh? We have the buying power and they have all the power….

I did not come here to preach that vaccines are bad…all I ask is that you, the consumer, read what is going into your products and into your bodies. You have every right and with the rejection of the Dark Act, we can research on.

I hear people always wanting to take away others’ peoples’ rights. You see them post memes on FB showing how they do not want to go to places where non-vaccinated children are or they do not like it when other employees get smoke breaks and on and on. Here is the thing people, we have rights. We have the right to say no to anything we do not want. We have the right to smoke, eat ice cream, and drink beer. We also have the right to say yes to these things. Once you take away someone’s right to say NO, you also take away your rights to say YES and that is important.

You as a consumer, parent, and grandparent, whatever your title may be, have the right to research. You can read about anything on the internet. It is a library at our fingertips. There are many books, blogs, and personal stories out there that can keep you busy for weeks. We need to come together and tell others that we are educated and we will not stand for others to take our rights away. We will not stand for companies and big pharma to continue to poison us and keep us on big pharma’s list the rest of our lives.

There is a quote that I absolutely love. It is about the Nazi’s coming in and taking the Jews. It was written by a German man, Martin Niemoller a Protestant pastor. He spent seven years in concentration camps. We could learn so much from this quote:

 First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— 
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

It is very moving because I feel like that today…that this could happen at any moment and we could have no rights to our lives or our children.

I saw a video early that I saw a while back. It was the actor Rob Schneider and he was protesting the bill in California for mandated vaccinations. He brings up great points about rights for our children and our lives and the research that was never done on vaccines.

We need to start with our children. We need to make sure what we are putting in their bodies is nutritious, not toxic, and will help them grow to be smart, productive citizens of tomorrow. Let’s read ingredients while we still can because tomorrow we may not have the right.

Friday, February 5, 2016

BK is Sabotaging Your Life!

Have you ever sat back and looked at yourself and your family? I mean got in there and really looked…are you a family with extra weight as an issue, or maybe on medications, gets sick a lot and always at hospital or doctor? Does your teenager suffer from acne? Your little ones from ADD/ADHD? Are you always tired, hurting, or just run down? Maybe you want to take the family somewhere on your day off but too tired and unmotivated to do it?

I know from time to time we all can feel slow but if your family and/or you suffer from the issues above, then maybe you need to do an assessment of your food lifestyle.

We think we do the best for our family but sometimes convenience is hard to pass over. We want something quick and easy and cheap. Right now, Burger King is offering a 5 piece “meal” for $4. It is a drink, burger, nuggets, fries and cookie. More than likely, you pass at least one if not more on your way home from work or ball practice or school each day. 

With this offer, who can refuse…let’s break down each item for its nutritional value.

The top picture is the one they use for the advertisement and the other photo (below) is the actual nutritional value that BK puts on their website. There are no ingredients on this page…just this information that should have you scratching your head.

Ingredients are harder to find. Here is the BK cheeseburger. All ingredients are from The number in parenthesis is the number of ingredients. On, all had a failing score of an F (even the coke) except the French fries and it was a C+.

Cheeseburger ingredients (105)
Sesame Seeds Bun(Flour Enriched[Wheat Flour, Barley Malted Flour, Or, Alpha amylase, from, Aspergillus oryzae Enzyme, Niacin Vitamin B3, Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate Vitamin B1, Riboflavin Vitamin B2, Ascorbic Acid, Folic Acid Vitamin B9], Water, Corn Syrup High Fructose, Or, Sucrose Granulated, Or, Liquid, Vegetables[Canola, and/or, Soy], and/or, Soybeans, and/or, Cottonseed Oil, Yeast, Contains 2% or less of the Following: (, Salt, Wheat Gluten Vital, Sesame Seeds, Yeast Food[May contain one or more of :,Calcium Sulphate, Ammonium Sulfate, Monocalcium Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate], Dough Conditioners[May contain one or more of :, Wheat Starch, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Sorbitol, Sodium Chloride,Magnesium Stearate, Monoglyceride Distilled, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Ascorbic Acid, Azodicarbonamide, Mono And Diglycerides Ethoxylated, Calcium Peroxide, Calcium Stearoyl 2 Lactylate, Datem, L Cysteine],Enzymes, Mold Inhibitor[Calcium Propionate, and/or, Sorbic Acid], Vinegar, Turmeric Oleoresin, Blue 1, Soy Lecithin)Soy Flour, Corn Starch), Beef Patty(Beef Ground),Cheese American Pasteurized Process(Milk Cultured, Water, Cream, Sodium Citrate, Salt, Sorbic Acid, Preservative, Sodium Phosphate, Colors Artificial[May contain one or more of :, Annatto Extract, Beta APO 8 Carotenal, Beta Carotene, Canthaxanthin, Paprika Oleoresin, Tumeric Oleoresin], Enzymes, Acetic Acid, Lecithin), Ketchup(Tomatoes Concentrate, Made From, Tomatoes Ripe, Vinegar Distilled, Corn Syrup High Fructose, Corn Syrup, Salt, Spices, Onions Powder, Flavoring Natural[Plant Source]), Mustard(Water, Vinegar Distilled, Mustard Seed, Salt, Turmeric),Pickles(Cucumbers, Water, Vinegar, Salt, Calcium Chloride, Or, Contains less than 1/10 of 1% of, Sodium Benzoate, As Preservatives, Alum, and/or, Propylene Glycol, Polysorbate 80, Flavors Natural[Plant Source],Yellow 5,
French Fries (salted) ingredients (15)
French Fries, :, Potatoes, Soybeans Oil, Or, Canola, and, Palm Oil, Potatoes Starch Modified, Rice Flour, Potatoes Dextrin, Salt, Leavening(Disodium Dihydrogen Pyrophosphate, Sodium Bicarbonate), Dextrose, Xanthan Gum, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate, To Protect Color

BK Nuggets
Boneless chicken breast with rib meat, water, isolated oat product, potato starch, seasoning (modified corn starch, salt, maltodextrin, yeast extract, chicken stock, flavors, wheat starch, dextrose, propylene glycol and citric acid), salt, sodium phosphates. BATTERED WITH: Water, yellow corn flour, wheat flour, wheat starch, salt, leavening (sodium bicarbonate, sodium aluminum phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate), dextrose, spice. BREADED WITH: Wheat flour, leavening (sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate), spices, salt.  Breading set in vegetable oil.

Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies 96g ingredients (35)Wheat Enriched Bleached Flour(Niacin Vitamin B3, Iron Reduced, Thiamine Mononitrate Vitamin B1, Riboflavin Vitamin B2, Folic Acid Vitamin B9), Chocolate Semisweet(Sugar, Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Milk Fat, Soy Lecithin, Vanillin, Flavors Natural), Margarine(Soybeans Oil, Soybeans Oil Partially Hydrogenated, Water, Salt, Whey, Soy Lecithin, Sodium Benzoate, Citric Acid, Mono and Diglycerides, Flavors Artificial, Beta Carotene, Vitamin A Palmitate), Sugar Brown, Sugar, Eggs, Corn Syrup, Molasses, Baking Soda, Vanilla Extract, Salt

Original Formula ingredients (6)
Carbonated Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Caramel Color, Phosphoric Acid, Natural Flavors, Caffeine.

Now let us compare a chicken dinner put in a crock pot.

Here is the recipe for a chicken tortilla soup. I randomly chose a recipe on I have not tried this but I want to show a comparison.

Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup (17)
8 servings
1 pound shredded, cooked chicken
1 (15 ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, mashed
1 (10 ounce) can enchilada sauce
 1 medium onion, chopped
1 (4 ounce) can chopped green chile peppers
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups water
1 (14.5 ounce) can chicken broth
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 bay leaf
1 (10 ounce) package frozen corn
1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
7 corn tortillas
Vegetable oil

Nutritional Information
Slow-Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup
1 Serving
Servings Per Recipe: 8
Amount Per Serving
Calories: 262
Calories from Fat: 97
% Daily Value *
Total Fat: 10.8
Saturated Fat: 2.5
Cholesterol: 45
Sodium: 893
Total Carbohydrates: 24.7
** Sugars: 4.4
Dietary Fiber: 3.8
Protein: 18
Vitamin A - IU: 586
Vitamin C: 20
Calcium: 63
Iron: 2
** Potassium: 472
** Thiamin: < 1
** Niacin Equivalents: 8
** Vitamin B6: < 1
** Magnesium: 51
** Folate: 28

So as you see, without even modifying the recipe, it is hands down much more valuable to your body than BK could ever be. So it may be easier to stop by BK or any other fast food place on the way home but in the long run it is not. 

Actually this recipe looks good. I am going to have to try it now! I challenge you to start a cleansing. Rid your body and your families’ bodies of things that are poisoning you. Stop killing yourself and others and be more energetic. Feel better inside and out. You will definitely look better too.